Hey everyone, this article is related to a detailed view of the first course in the eight part series of the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate program. The course is divided into five weeks but you can complete the course in your own pace either faster or slower but completing it a little faster will save you a few bucks by the end of the certification and since the concepts are not very advanced you can complete them faster than you think if you allocate two hours each day. Let’s have a closer look at what is taught in each week.
Week 1
The first week course content does not offer much to learn. It basically gives an overview of the certification program and gives an understanding of how to use the Coursera Platform. The content also gives a brief introduction of data analytics.
Week 2
The content of second week in the foundations course offers insights in the skill sets a data analyst should have. A few lessons help the learners to learn how to think analytically.
Week 3
The lessons in this week sheds light on the data life cycle. The data life cycle in data analysis process varies from method to method. There are 5 data life cycle processes that are explained in this course which are different from each other.
The third week content will explain the six phases of data analysis that is followed in the certification process. Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyze, Share and Act are the six phases in the process.
The data analysis toolbox is a part of the week 3 content that gives an overview of the tools that are used by a data analyst.
Week 4
As a data analyst there are many tools that can be used for your work. Now, if you are a person that is new to the field and does not know basics of the tools used such as Spreadsheets, SQL and Data visualization tools, this week content is one of the best resources for you.
The tools may not offer you advanced learning opportunities but they will provide some basic lessons that you can use to learn more advanced lessons in the future.
Week 5
The last week content does not provide lessons that will help you advance your skills but it shows the job Opportunities that are available for a new data analyst. The content also shows the importance of data and how decisions are made based on data insights.
In addition to the course content that is available for students to learn, there are weekly challenges and course challenge that needs to completed in order to advance in the program. These challenges have about 5–10 questions in each challenge and can be easily completed.
The only drawback about the challenges according to me is that, there are some questions that are not so relevant to become a data analyst and the answers to the questions are 100% from the course content which annoys you sometimes as you might think the solution is a little different than it should be.
Thank you for reading the article. Have a wonderful day.